About us

Life Principles facilitate quality of life and the awareness of possibilities through pivotal accredited emotional intelligence and wellness programs, in the form of a variety of wellness workshops and international wellness retreats, which are combined with a luxury African Experience.

Awareness creates empowerment

Experience through inspired action and support makes it real. 

The Life Principles Program has been designed to tip the scale from intellectual knowledge to personal experience and the workshops and retreats include tools and life skills to allow clients to experience a new integrated perception of life.

The focus is on the simplicity of basic life principles with discussions and reflection on quantum mechanics and the universal laws, as well as powerful alternative healing modalities in the form of equine assisted experiences, guided visualizations, neuro-linguistic programming and writing techniques, trauma integration through journey processes, breath work and tension release exercises, as well as mindfulness, and meditation as an integrative approach to assist and enable guests to live inspired.

Our integration processes incorporate a specialized team of collaborators who adds multiple Alternative Complementary Disciplines, including physical and emotional detoxification processes, and after more than 20 years of research and personal experience, the preferred approaches have been identified as the processes where individuals can find answers through their own inner wisdom, which inevitably makes for the most powerful and pure experiences.

A safe space is created to enable guests to find their own answers and solutions by exploring what is working for them with clarity and confidence, through experiential learning with the powerful equine facilitated processes, which makes this program unique, as it mirrors the nature of life with all its principles in profound ways. (No horse riding is involved).

We continually work with evidence-based results to achieve the highest possible outcomes and the program ensures true transformation through the unique combination of information, personal experience, tools and skills, to empower guests to create their ultimate reality and live their lives on purpose.


We focus on facilitating wellness and quality of life, with tools and skills, to allow clients to experience a new integrated perception of life, and inspire ways to create healthier, balanced lives resulting in a better world.


To inspire clients to find their way to wellbeing, through information, skills and tools to live their lives on purpose.

Services SETA Accredited Training Provider

Accreditation No: 14650

Services SETA Accredited

Life Principles for Transformation is also a Services SETA Accredited Training Provider (Services Sector Education and Training Authority), accredited to offer the SAQA (South African Qualifications Authority) Unit Standard on the principles and concepts of emotional intelligence to the management of self and others.

Accreditation no. 14650, Unit Standard 252031, with 4 credits awarded towards nationally recognized qualifications for NQF level 5.

WHISPA Program

Life Principles for Transformation is also an active Advocate for WHISPA, a high-quality solution-based program to take care of the legal requirements of companies, with regards to the Code of Good Practice on the Prevention and Elimination of Violence and Harassment in the Workplace.

WHISPA offers a dedicated, specialist approach to deliver the best outcomes for employers and employees and offers employers a generic draft policy, training, and a confidential line. 

This Affiliate Network includes specialist doctors, lawyers, psychologists, counsellors, occupational therapists, and medical facilities, with a proactive and highly effective approach against possible HIV exposure.


Realisation or Understanding.
The state of being conscious of something.


Creativity or Imaginativeness.
A sudden brilliant idea or timely revelation.


Change or Metamorphosis.
A marked change in form, nature or appearance.

Contact us

You are always one decision away from a totally different life.

    Services SETA Accredited Training Provider

    Accreditation No: 14650

    Collaboration Partner of:

    Services SETA Accredited Training Provider

    Accreditation No: 14650