Our Perceptions

Our perceptions of reality mould, shape and define the way we live our lives.

Successful living starts with taking responsibility for our own lives and being accountable for our own actions and reactions, by being aware of our triggers, wounds and egos. Change begins at home. True accountability means looking at ourselves before we direct our focus outwards. Expecting our family, community, and the world to change before we can feel better, is unhealthy and leaves us like leaves in the wind, always dependent on another’s state of mind.

When we change our perceptions, we can restore a sense of empowerment to strategically start living our lives on purpose.

Linear Physical Perception

Acknowledging the moulds

We are multi-dimensional beings, and for a long-time humanity only focused on the physical aspects of their reality. Dimensions are levels of awareness or consciousness, almost like different radio stations, playing on different wave lengths.

Our physical reality is that of a 3-dimensional world which is matter-based. In this dimension there is a limited concept of the universe and a purely physical level of understanding. This awareness allows mostly, only that which can be seen, heard, touched, taste and smell, and our ‘perceptions of reality’ mould, shape and define the way we live our lives.

Linear Physicality

This physical perception is characteristic of the Newtonian universe of gravitation and physical laws and classical mechanics. It is a perception of a linear flow of information, starting with A, which then gives you B, which then gives you C, and which then gives you D.

Emotional Addiction

In this linear physical reality, humanity also operates biologically from limited emotions or survival emotions, which are derived primarily from stress hormones, which tend to endorse more selfish and limited states of mind and body, and are mostly fear based. This is how humanity becomes addicted to negative emotions.

Image from the book “You are the Placebo” by Dr Joe Dispenza.

A Typical 3D Consciousness:

This is a consciousness based on the Ego-identity, where the mind rules with logical thinking, which include a Scarcity-mindset and where there is a concept of “Seeing is Believing”.

There is also a Separation-consciousness with the perception of duality, where there is two opposing sides or forces of good and evil or right and wrong. From this consciousness humans have a fear of perceived chaos, randomness, or unfairness and believe they are victims.

This consciousness also causes humans to operate from a space of conditional love and includes a denser energy, where manifestations are slowed down.


Recovering your essence

This guidance structure encourages awareness through insights, promotes action through choices, provides support and motivation and cultivates empowerment through habitual re-evaluation.

The guidance is about the journey of recovering your essence and reconnecting with yourself. It focuses on all the basic aspects of an individual’s life experience and will lay a healthy foundation for change, which will lead to the natural next question of ‘What now?’ 

We will look at typical linear perspectives and the guidance steps towards freedom from limiting beliefs, emotional addiction and self-sabotage as well as everyday blind-spots. The combination of awareness and practical experience through our discussions and approaches, will provide the platform for continuous new insights and better choices towards an empowered life. Throughout this program we will play with images and ask questions as part of a strategic journey of self-exploration.


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12 Rules for Life

An Antidote for Chaos


The Miracle of Positive Questions

The Enneagram

Discovering Your Personality Type

The Shack

Where Tragedy Confronts Eternity

Integrative Quantum Awareness

Awareness of something more

If we are multi-dimensional beings, isn’t it time to expand our awareness of quantum possibility and explore pure potentiality?

Quantum physics states that everything is energy and thus everything is connected. With this realisation we become aware of synchronicity and the power of our thoughts, beliefs and sub-conscious mind. In this dimension there is an expanded concept of the universe and we realise that everything is connected to everything else! We understand that the universal laws are exact, with no preference. Like the law of gravitation, it works every time, irrespective of circumstances or conditions.

Quantum Possibility

The quantum perspective reveals a flow of information that’s an integration of interdependent energy fields entangled in a mesh of interactive systems, where A can give you B, C and D, and B can give you A, C and D, and C can give you A, B and D, and D can give you A, B and C. This perspective is characteristic of the quantum universe of probability, like Heisenberg’s principle of uncertainty and the observer effect.

Emotional Transformation

In this integrative quantum reality, humanity starts to embrace elevated, more creative emotions, which lift their energy, biologically to a different hormonal center, which opens the heart and create feelings of more selflessness. This is when the body starts to respond to a new mind and humanity starts to open up to spiritual matters.

Image from the book “You are the Placebo” by Dr Joe Dispenza.

A Typical 5D Consciousness:

This is a consciousness based on the Soul-identity, where the heart accurately rules, because of centered alignment and heart-brain coherence, which allows intuitive thinking processes and includes an Abundance-mindset.

There is also a Unity-consciousness with the perception of connectedness and one-ness, where there is One force, always acting towards the highest good of all, with no preference and an ultimate fairness, according to universal laws. From this consciousness humans believe in Divine order, where they co-create reality with an acute awareness of their focus, according to what the universe is showing them.

This consciousness also causes humans to operate from a space of unconditional love and includes a higher energy, and a concept of “Believing is Seeing”.

Integrative Quantum Structure

Manifesting your desires

This quantum structure encourages conscious self-inquiry and taking responsibility for everything in your life, to promote inspired action and choices to become a deliberate co-creator in finding a life of balance, purpose and fulfilment.

These insights are about the science of deliberate creation and the joy of the journey. It is the next step from our linear perspective and focuses on the limitless possibilities of the vibrational world of quantum physics and the potential paradigm-shifts to experience abundance in life. It will provide a supportive space to find your own truths and expand awareness through clarifying experiences, which will lead to the natural next question of “What else is possible? The structure provides a springboard to establish what your highest excitements and desires are and how to move towards it.

We will look at typical quantum awareness and the integrative leaps towards the freedom of imagination and emotional transformation as well as universal laws and abundance. The combination of awareness and practical experience through our discussions and approaches, will provide the platform for continues inspiration and excitement towards a life of joyful co-creation. We will play with a plan to fine-tune our highest excitements and solidify the process of effortless manifestation through the creation of life movies.


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Beyond Order

12 More Rules for Life

The Biology of Belief

Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles

You Are the Placebo

Making Your Mind Matter

The Hidden Messages in Water

The water experiments of Masaru Emoto.

The Intention Experiment

Use Your Thoughts to Change The World

Enlightened Spiritual Consciousness

Loving the human experience

If we are multi-dimensional beings, wouldn’t it be wise to learn and understand the principles and laws of this team game called life?

When we understand the spiritual laws or universal truths, which is the principles of life, and live according to it, we become co-creators with the Divine. Our emotions become our inner guidance system and we are able to stop our thoughts to connect to our inner wisdom. Our vision of creation becomes more expanded and we become masters when we focus on the gift of clarity in every experience.

Spiritual Consciousness

In this enlightened spiritual reality, humanity operates from a space of unconditional love, as shown by Jesus Christ, also referred to as the Christ Consciousness of love.

The Law of Oneness is the basic Principle of Life, which states that everything is connected to everything else, just as the Atom proofs in Quantum Physics & the Golden Spiral shows Mathematically.

You know you are starting to master life, when you accept 100% responsibility for everything in your life, as you understand and appreciate the gift of clarity and expansion in every experience.

Emotional Freedom

As everyone is on their own path, doing the best they know how in every moment, our task is to find our way to our own truth. When we honor and love ourselves, we act by default according to the highest good of all and when we acknowledge and embrace our own humanness, we have by default more compassion towards those around us. This is true freedom. 

Satisfaction in life could be defined as the continued expansion of a meaningful life, but most importantly, it is a journey, not a destination. It is more important to enjoy the gestation time of manifestations with the inspiration and excitement and expectations that goes with it, than the manifestation itself.

We came to experience life in its fulness, not to tick of achievements and goals. Let life flow through you and enjoy the powerful magic of synchronicity and co-creation. When we can embrace all of life, with the awareness that all experiences include either the gift of enjoyment or the gift or clarity, we can truly live a life of excitement and inspiration.

At the end, true success and fulfillment is the experience of the Divinity in us. It is the experience of a Divine connection, which have previously been perceived to be somehow separate from us and as a result, hidden from our comprehension, that gives meaning to life.

It is the alignment with our higher self, that allows us to recognise the law of oneness – in the eyes of a child, in the beauty of a flower, in the touch of a horse. – M Olivier

A beautiful story to explain the LAW OF LIFE

When a newspaper reporter interviewed a farmer, who grew award-winning maize each year he entered his maize in the provincial agricultural fair, it was revealed that the farmer shared his seed maize with his neighbours.

Perplexed, the reporter asked, “How can you afford to share your best seed maize with your neighbours when they are entering their maize in competition with yours each year?”

The farmer smiled knowingly and explained, “The wind picks up pollen from the ripening maize and swirls it from field to field. If my neighbours grow inferior maize, cross-pollination will steadily degrade the quality of my maize. If I am to grow good maize, I must help my neighbours grow good maize.”

Those who live inspired and experience true fulfilment inevitably catalyse expansion for the highest good of all. When we truly understand the principle that everything is connected to everything else, irrespective of what is observed physically, we get that what you allow & do for yourself, you also do for or unto others.

Enlightened Spiritual Space

Blissful connection

This consciousness is about the art of allowing life to flow through you and the magic of focus and alignment. It focuses on the ongoing journey of living in the moment, while appreciating the diversity of life and embracing all its aspects, as part of our human experience. It will establish a practice and space, to connect with your own inner-guidance and expand your awareness with wonder and an appreciation of life. It is also about taking responsibility for your own life and being accountable for your own actions, while at the same time being non-attached.

We will look at the law of oneness, as the basic principle of life and how we contribute to the expansion and higher good of all, when we focus on good-feeling-thoughts and being happy. The combination of awareness and practical experience through our discussions and approaches, will provide the space for a deep understanding of the perfection and beauty of spiritual laws and universal truths, which will enhance the mastery of your highest life.


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