University of the free state
Vice-Rector’s Award for Community Engagement
As Service Learning Collaboration partner of the University of the Free State, we support the mutual search for sustainable solutions to challenges, and continually find new research and ground-breaking approaches to support individuals in their journeys to reach their highest potential and unique purposes in life. Our programs and activities are designed to offer psychological, social and physical benefits in the form of assisted grooming, leading and riding. In collaboration with the Psychology Department of the University of the Free State, we focus among other aspects on children with special needs or who are differently abled.
In recognition of Outstanding Service, Commitment and Excellence in the field of Community Engagement, Marie Olivier as owner of Equistria Therapeutic Development Centre received the Vice-Rector’s Award for Community Engagement from the University of the Free State during 2016.
A group of Dr Pravani Naidoo’s Psychology Honours students, at the University of the Free State, was also honoured with the best postgraduate Service Learning award, involving the horse riding project, at a prize-giving function of the Faculty of the Humanities.
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